The name of this program shall be the Outlaw Hall of Fame (hereafter �Hall of Fame�), a program under the jurisdiction of the Outlaw Booster Club, Inc.




The Hall of Fame is organized to honor those who have contributed to the rich heritage and traditions of the Sisters School District.  It will serve as a means of recognizing, preserving, and honoring those who have made significant contributions to the programs of the Sisters School District, both athletic and non-athletic alike.  Many individuals, teams, and organizations have been influential in the Outlaw Tradition of Excellence and have had exemplary accomplishments.  The Hall of Fame honors the contributions and accomplishments of those who are worthy of recognition as examples for others to emulate. 




The Hall of Fame shall be governed by a Hall of Fame Selection Committee composed of 5 � 12 individuals, selected by the Outlaw Booster Club, Inc.  Consensus is needed for all voting decisions. If consensus cannot be reached, then a vote will be taken requiring a super majority vote of 75% of those in attendance. A quorum shall be present in order for any business to be transacted. A quorum shall be 67% of the committee. 




Individuals, teams, and organizations may be nominated representing the categories below. The categories are included on the nomination form for expediency in understanding the primary area(s) of a nominee for consideration of one�s achievements. The groupings are for screening purposes to assist those making the nominations in understanding the type of information required.


1.                    ATHLETE: Any person who distinguished himself / herself in the field of athletics while a student at Sisters High School or thereafter.  Criteria considerations should include 1st Team All-League, 1st Team All-District, or 1st Team All-State Recognition, All-American recognition, Pro selection, outstanding SHS or college accomplishments, and college scholarship recipient or collegiate participant. Other  considerations may be taken into account such as school records, state records, state championships, multi-sport athletes, league/district/state player of the year, college all-league, and/or selection to Oregon All Star team. Individuals are eligible 10 years after graduation; Teams are eligible 10 years after the defining moment(s) of the team. (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

2.                    ALUMNUS / ALUMNA: Any person who distinguished himself / herself in the fields of his or her endeavor, such as business, medicine, arts and entertainment, humanitarian and service, law, medicine, science or other field after graduation.  Individuals are eligible ten years after graduation.  (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

3.                    COACH: Any Sisters School District coach who coached in the Sisters School District for five (5) years and who made significant contributions to the athletic programs of the Sisters School District.  Consideration should be based on accomplishments that merit statewide recognition as well as significant contributions to the athletic programs within the Sisters School District.  Individuals are eligible immediately after he/she first ends his/her coaching tenure with the Sisters School District.  (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

4.                    SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR: An individual who has made outstanding contributions to the co-curricular programs or activities associated with the Sisters School District.  This category may include an organization. 

5.                    TEAM OR OGANIZATION:  A team, organization or other entity may be nominated and/or admitted to the Hall of Fame subject to the foregoing criteria.




In an effort to catch up with the large volume of possible nominees from the beginning of Sisters School District, the number of inductees for the first three (3) years may number up to 7 per year (8 if a team(s) is included).  Commencing with the class of 2018, the class of nominees shall number up to 5 candidates per year (6 if a team(s) is included). 




Requirements for Nomination:  In order to maintain the integrity of the Hall of Fame, the following criteria are established for nominations.


1.       Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, professionalism, ethical conduct, and moral character.  All candidates will be judged on their significant and / or long term contributions to the Sisters School District.  In addition, as much as possible, acknowledged leadership in his / her chosen field or community, state, and national presence will be considered. 

2.      All applications must clearly indicate the status of each candidate as it relates to the defined parameters of Article IV to allow for accurate comparison and consideration. 

3.      All nominees shall be nominated on a form prepared by the Selection Committee.

4.      Nominations are open to any individual, but a nominee may not nominate himself/herself unless he/she is nominating a team.

5.      The Selection Committee strongly recommends and prefers that a nominee be notified in advance of the nomination.

6.      Nomination Form

a.       All nominations must be submitted on the official Outlaw Hall of Fame nomination form.

b.      The nomination form shall be available through the main school office, through the Hall of Fame Committee, or on the Hall of Fame or Outlaw Booster Club websites.

c.       The nomination form shall be completed and submitted to / received by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee at the address/email provided by the Selection Committee by April 1 of each year for a candidate to be considered for induction in the summer of that year. All nominations received for consideration must contain active and current address and phone number, and current contact information for the nominee (or family if deceased).  Failure to supply support material will result in invalidating the application, and the nomination will not be considered.

d.      The nomination form may be emailed to the Selection Committee, so long as the supporting materials are promptly provided to the Selection Committee.  It is up to the nominating individual to make sure the nomination form and supporting material are received by the Selection Committee.

e.       In addition to the official nomination form, the following materials should be submitted for an individual�s consideration:

i.                     A letter of recommendation from the person making the nomination, and other letters of support from appropriate individuals who can validate or substantiate pertinent information related to the nominee�s high school career.

ii.                  A limited number (up to 12) of newspaper clippings, magazine articles, copies of scorebooks and statistics may be included to help substantiate the accomplishments and contributions of the nominee.

iii.                A suitable CURRENT photograph, color or black and white, should be submitted for reproduction. 

7.       Term of Nomination:  Following initial nomination, a candidate shall remain eligible for induction for the following five (5) years. After this time period has expired, the candidate must be nominated again on a new nomination form in order to be considered again.




A.     The Selection Committee:  The Hall of Fame Selection Committee will meet within 30 days following the required date of April 1 to select candidates based on the criteria presented in this document.  The Hall of Fame Selection Committee members should represent a broad base of community and past community members, including to the extent possible teachers, alumni, parents, long-standing community members, and administrators.  However, no specific demographic representative is required.  The Selection Committee shall be appointed each year by the Outlaw Booster Club Board of Directors.  Committee members may serve as long as they are active and able to serve. When needed, new members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. 

B.     The duties and responsibilities of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall be as follows:

1.      Attend the regular scheduled meetings - possibly 4 � 6.

2.      Annually evaluate the nominations of individuals submitted which fulfill the requirements for consideration.

3.      Approve only those individuals who had significant and or long term contributions or athletic accomplishments within or for the Sisters School District in accordance with the foregoing criteria.

4.      Validate and approve all worthy candidates for induction into the Outlaw Hall of Fame under the parameters set forth in this document.

5.      Keep all action of the Selection Committee confidential.

C.    The voting procedures of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall be as follows:

1.      The Selection Committee shall review candidates based on information available at the time of the meetings.

2.      The Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall meet as a group to select inductees.

3.      After open discussion about candidates, the Committee shall narrow the list of possible inductees to 15 nominees.  The process for reducing the number to 15 shall be at the discretion of the Selection Committee, with any disputes resolved at the discretion of the Selection Committee Chair(s).  In the event there are not 15 nominees for any given year, this step may be eliminated and all nominees shall be on the final list.

4.      Once the final 15 nominees are ascertained (if applicable), there shall be additional open discussion about the remaining candidates.

5.      Each Committee Member then shall confidentially rank candidates in order of preference from 1-15 (or 1 to the total number of nominees if less than 15 for a given year).  The lists shall be provided to two Committee Members selected by the Committee Chair(s) for tally.

6.      The candidates with the LOWEST POINT TOTALS will be chosen for induction up to the number of inductees identified above.

D.    The annual voting of the Selection Committee will be confidential.  The voting results for each year shall be retained by the Secretary of the Outlaw Booster Club for a minimum of five years, but shall remain confidential and may be destroyed after five years.

E.     After the inductees have been selected, they shall be promptly contacted by the Committee Chair(s).  Only after the selected nominees (i.e., the tentative inductees) have been contacted following voting and indicated that they will be present or represented at the ceremony, and have confirmed that they approve inclusion in the Outlaw Hall of Fame, inductees will be announced to the Outlaw Booster Club members and the general public. 

F.     An inductee shall not be required to attend or be represented at the Induction Ceremony.  The Selection Committee shall honor any potential inductee�s request to not be included.

G.    The Selection Committee Chair(s) will provide a press release to local media identifying new inductees and including pertinent information concerning inductees.




The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony shall be held each year on a weekend selected by the Outlaw Booster Club Board of Directors with input from the Hall of Fame Committee.  Details for the Induction Ceremony shall be decided by the Hall of Fame Committee subject to approval by the Outlaw Booster Club Board of Directors.






Outlaw Hall of Fame 


1.       Print out and complete this nomination form and return to:

 Outlaw Booster Club, Inc.

Selection Committee

PO Box 2059

Sisters, OR  97759


You also may deliver personally this nomination form to any member of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee (email the Booster Club for the list of active names).  You also may email the nomination form to a member of the Selection Committee, but the supporting documents must be received promptly by the Selection Committee.  The burden is on the nominator to make sure the Selection Committee has received the nomination form.


2.      The information on this Nomination Form will be confidential and will be used solely by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee.


3.      The Hall of Fame is organized to honor those who have contributed to the rich heritage and traditions of the Sisters School District.  It will serve as a means of recognizing, preserving, and honoring those who have made significant contributions to the programs of the Sisters School District, both athletic and non-athletic alike.  Many individuals, teams, and organizations have been influential in the Outlaw Tradition of Excellence and have had exemplary accomplishments.  The Hall of Fame honors the contributions and accomplishments of those who are worthy of recognition as examples for others to emulate. 


4.      Nominees must exemplify the highest standards of sportsmanship, professionalism, ethical conduct, and moral character.  All candidates will be judged on their significant and / or long term contributions to the Sisters School District.  In addition, as much as possible, acknowledged leadership in his / her chosen field or community, state, and national presence will be considered. To be eligible for the Athletic Hall of Fame, nominees must fit the criteria identified on this form. 




a.                  ATHLETE: Any person who distinguished himself / herself in the field of athletics while a student at Sisters High School or thereafter.  Criteria considerations should include 1st Team All-League, 1st Team All-District, or 1st Team All-State Recognition, All-American recognition, Pro selection, outstanding SHS or college accomplishments, and college scholarship recipient or collegiate participant. Other  considerations may be taken into account such as school records, state records, state championships, multi-sport athletes, league/district/state player of the year, college all-league, and/or selection to Oregon All Star team. Individuals are eligible 10 years after graduation; Teams are eligible ten years after the defining moment(s) of the team. (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

b.                  ALUMNUS / ALUMNA: Any person who distinguished himself / herself in the fields of his or her endeavor, such as business, medicine, arts and entertainment, humanitarian and service, law, medicine, science or other field after graduation.  Individuals are eligible ten years after graduation.  (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

c.                   COACH: Any Sisters School District coach who coached in the Sisters School District for five (5) years and who made significant contributions to the athletic programs of the Sisters School District.  Consideration should be based on accomplishments that merit statewide recognition as well as significant contributions to the athletic programs within the Sisters School District.  Individuals are eligible immediately after he/she first ends his/her coaching tenure with the Sisters School District.  (Unusual / Exceptional circumstances may be considered.)

d.                  SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR: An individual who has made outstanding contributions to the co-curricular programs or activities associated with the Sisters School District.  This category may include an organization. 

e.                   TEAM OR OGANIZATION:  A team, organization or other entity may be nominated and/or admitted to the Hall of Fame subject to the foregoing criteria.









Category(ies)(May be more than one):                                                                                                                    




Graduating Class (if applicable):                                                                                                                              


Last Year of Coaching Tenure in Sisters School District (if applicable):                                                      


Nominee Current Address

Nominator Current Address













In addition to the information above, the following materials should be submitted for an individual to be considered:


_____ A letter of recommendation from the person making the nomination and other letters of support from appropriate individuals who can validate or substantiate pertinent information related to the nominee.


_____ A limited number (up to 12) of newspaper clippings, magazine articles, copies of scorebooks and statistics may be included to help substantiate the accomplishments and contributions of the nominee.


_____ A suitable photograph, preferably black & white, should be submitted for reproduction.


Failure to supply support material will invalidate the nomination; the nomination will not be considered.


Following nomination, a candidate shall remain eligible for five (5) years.